1. "Firefly" Essay
I found a great essay about the cult hit TV show "Firefly" today and thought I would share. This is an excerpt from the upcoming collection of essays "Serenity Found." It is written by the show's star, Nathan Fillion, who played Malcolm Reynolds, one of the truly brilliant and complex characters to grace the small screen in the last 20 years. For the uneducated of you, "Firefly" was a short lived sci-fi drama that Fox cancelled in 2002 despite the objections of a large and outspoken fan base. The show accomplished what "Star Trek" originally set out to do, establishing a world all its own that blended science fiction with the old west. Characters flew in giant star ships but often rode horses when on land. "Firefly" was never given a chance by the morons at Fox (the very same morons who couldn't figure out how to use "Arrested Development") and ended after only 14 episodes. Never has a cancelled show drawn so much attention as the possibility of a second season has been rumored ever since, though more because of the rabid fans thirst to know more than a studio's actual desire to create said second season. The complete series can be purchased on DVD and is well worth whatever it costs. However, I must warn you that because of the abrupt end to the show, the set will leave you wanting more as it becomes apparent that the story Wheldon intended to unviel was only beginning to be told. The movie, "Serenity," offers a tidy wrap up to the series but in no way answers the questions the final few episodes of the series asked. Anyway, I found this essay by Fillion to be very interesting as it gives voice to the feelings so many spurned "Firefly" fans have harbored since the show's untimely death.
I, Malcolm
2. Peyton Manning
Sometimes Peyton borders on annoying and overexposure. However, these "Priceless Peptalks From Peyton Manning" are genius. Here's the latest.
3. Giant Rabbit
I came across an article about a 9 foot long giant spitting cobra found in Kenya. The article also had pictures of some other ridiculously oversized animals found in recent years. This is a rabbit. Now, this may be fake, it kind of looks fake, but still, this is a RABBIT! If Monty Python only knew.
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